Background: What is the Mcgyan® Process?
A new way to produce biodiesel in a fixed bed flow-through reactor that
could change how the industry produces this renewable fuel has been
developed. This technology was initially developed at the University of
Minnesota Department of Chemistry by Dr. Peter W. Carr for separation
science and then conceived of for biodiesel catalysis by Professor Arlin
Gyberg of Augsburg College and Dr. Clayton McNeff, cofounder of Ever Cat
Fuels, LLC. The key to this new technology is a highly efficient,
heterogeneous metal oxide-based catalyst reactor that efficiently and
economically converts feedstock plant oils and animal fats to biodiesel.
Releases (Ever Cat Fuels)
Figure Left: Scanning Electron Micrograph of the High Surface Area, High Temperature and Pressure Stable Metal
Oxide Catalyst Used in the Mcgyan Process.